Lord Howe Island Brewery
The Lord Howe Island Brewery
Reopens in September
Come down to enjoy the only beer brewed on Lord Howe Island! Our beer garden is surrounded by growing veggies, seats in the shade and space for play!
Opening hours for the Brewery:
Thursday – Saturday 4:00pm– 9:00 pm
Offering woodfired pizza, (remove – smoked meat rolls) & fresh salads to celebrate what we grow. Food from 4:00pm – 8:30 pm.
Nursery and Brewery Tour – Thursday 4:00 pm. No bookings necessary.
$20 per person – includes one free beer, a glass of wine, or cider.
Please call (02) 6563 2161 for takeaway or for bookings if more than five people. Alternatively visit our website www.lhislandbrewery.com.au for more info and online booking.
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